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Getting involved

If you are new to York Vineyard, there are a few things we'd encourage you to do in order to get involved and find family.


We place a really high value on relationship, please fill in a Connect form so that we can get in touch, get to know you and keep you updated on everything going on at York Vineyard.

Connect forms can be found at our info point on a Sunday morning or alternatively, you can register your details with us by filling out the form linked below.


The best place to start is to come along to our Sunday morning service and get to know us. There will be someone to meet you and let you know what to expect. We always start and end our morning with a hot drink. We'd love to meet you!


This is a relaxed, friendly, free lunch where you can meet a few leaders, hear the journey of the church, find out how to get involved and get to know some others who are new to York Vineyard. 

Please get in touch with us so our team can let you know all of the details for the next meal.


Small groups provide the perfect smaller setting to really find your place in this Church. They offer a relaxed environment to meet with friends; find support, encouragement and prayer; and get to know people and be known.


We encourage everyone to get involved and find a place to serve in the church. You can use the gifts God has given you or find a place to learn something new!


All of our teams are equally valued, whether that's making the coffee, joining the Vineyard Kids Team, or serving on one of our outreach teams.


York Vineyard relies on the generous financial giving from those within the church. 

There are three main ways you can give to the church: a monthly standing order; a one-off gift; or by cash/cheque on a Sunday morning. Have a look at our Way to Give page to find out more.

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York Vineyard is a charitable company registered in England and Wales under Company No. 6666388 & Charity No. 1125764.

‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD' with ‘grapes' device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.

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